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New Divorce Law

CHANGES TO DIVORCE LAWS IN ENGLAND AND WALES In April 2022, there will be changes to the divorce laws in England and Wales, with the introduction of a “no fault” system. Under current rules, where the parties have not been separated for up to 2 years, one spouse must...

Vaccination – when parents disagree

It cannot be denied that the COVID 19 pandemic has affected everyone. Some more than others. Lives and livelihoods have been impacted, mental and physical health, for some people, have nosedived, and life is no longer what it used to be. Luckily, there is light at the...

Changes to Divorce Laws

As from Autumn of 2021, the divorce laws will change and ‘no-fault divorce’ will be introduced. This would be the first change in divorce laws for nearly 50 years. The current position in England & Wales is that there is only one ground for divorce and that is...