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What is a Will?

A Will is a piece of writing, signed by someone with the intention of directing the distribution their assets on their death, and also signed by two other people who have, together (not individually), seen the first person sign the writing. At its most...

What does an Executor do?

An Executor, a person named by the deceased in their Will as “Executor”, is responsible for managing the financial affairs of a deceased, finding out what it is, and carrying out he terms of the Will so far as the Law will allow. The State will intervene to make sure...


Another strange word beloved of lawyers.  It applies to a situation where someone finds that they have been appointed executor in a Will, starts acting in that capacity and then regrets taking on the responsibility. An example would be an executor who takes control of...

Challenges to wills

In 2017 we wrote about the Ilott v Mitson case, where the Supreme Court upheld a claim against an estate brought by the long-estranged daughter of the deceased.  It was widely predicted that the number of such cases would increase, and this has come about.  Today came...