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“I now pronounce you…”  It is at this point in the marriage (in all its various forms) that automatically and without any other comment or warning, a Will is revoked, and thereafter the statutory provisions operate in its place.  Not a lot of people know this.

This might not worry you; if you have no children, all your estate will go to your new spouse; if your spouse perishes with you, all of it will go to the children, if you have any.  From this point on, however, it gets complicated.

It might not worry you also if you do not have a Will to revoke.

But if there is any complexity in your family, if you have children from an earlier relationship, if you want to distribute your estate unequally within your family, or if you want to make gifts to friends or charity, then for their sake, you will need to sort out your Will.  Statutory provisions are not subtle enough to deal with this.

Happily, it is simple enough to provide for an intended marriage, either when the Will is initially drafted, or as an add-on at a later stage.  Also, it is possible to rescue a Will that has been struck in this way, though you might just want to start again.  We can help.