01795 533 337 hello@tassells.law

Let us imagine that a couple decide to divorce, fairly amicably, because one of them wants to marry someone else.   The couple agree a division of the assets in principle and deal with their divorce themselves on-line.   A new marriage occurs, but unfortunately the agreement in principle about the assets does not hold up.  What can be done?

The answer is, unfortunately, not very much unless one or both of the parties has, prior to the conclusion of the divorce, applied to the Court for financial orders.   When that has not happened, the Court has no jurisdiction to make any orders and, therefore, assets will stay in the hands of the individuals who hold them, e.g. if one spouse is the sole owner of the marital home, he/she will simply be allowed to keep that property.

Divorce may indeed never have been easier.   However, it continues to present risks.

If you would like more information, please contact us on 01795 533337 and speak to our Family Law department.