01795 533 337 hello@tassells.law

We always seem to be too slow, too expensive…but you know what? Sixteen months ago the world changed but people still wanted to buy and sell property. Stamp duty land tax holidays were introduced and it all went a little crazy. We have always been busy, subject to deadlines etc but what came next was unreal.

I have never in my 28 years in the job known anything like it. We had to adapt quickly, work from home, go back to the office, keep the pace, make that dream come true and boy has it been hard!

I had 2 weeks holiday last year. Well I say ‘holiday’ I was still sending emails. This year so far I’ve had 3 days holiday. We work late into the evening and weekends trying to get these transactions through for our clients. We are shattered and many have even left the profession.

So the next time you’re told (possibly by those who actually have no legal knowledge) solicitors are ‘slow’ spare a thought. We want to do our best for you and we are. But I, for one, will not compromise on the service I give to my clients.

All the workforces in England have stepped up to keep our country going. I want to acknowledge all the conveyancers, secretaries (I could not have done what I’ve done without my amazing one!), support staff, practice manager and legal accounts. We have pulled together.

We are nearly there! Come 1 July maybe we will be able to get back to some normality and enjoy some much deserved time off!