01795 533 337 hello@tassells.law

Where is the Will?

When someone dies the questions of was a Will made and if so where is it stored inevitably arise. In many cases this gives rise to further questions, if no will can found or if there is uncertainty about whether the document has been located is the last will.  ...

Automatic Revocation

“I now pronounce you…”  It is at this point in the marriage (in all its various forms) that automatically and without any other comment or warning, a Will is revoked, and thereafter the statutory provisions operate in its place.  Not a lot of people know this. This...

What is Probate?

“Probate” is the process of proving that the Will of the deceased is legitimate, and a “Grant” is the Court’s seal of approval.  It acts like the “deeds” to the deceased’s estate, without it, the Executor may have trouble proving that they “own” it. Executors have...