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  We are looking to recruit a qualified solicitor or legal executive to help us in our busy Family Law Department. Please send details to annastbury@tassells-solicitors.co.uk or write to us at our West Street address. All enquiries will of course be treated in...

Child Arrangements Over The Christmas Period

Christmas is a fantastic time for children. Parents need to pay attention that the fun and awe of Christmas is not ruined for their children and that arguments do not inadvertently cause damage to the kids. The festive season can be a very stressful time for parties...

Cohabitation: what you need to be aware of

Cohabitation is the fastest growing family type in the United Kingdom. Since the late 90’s the number of cohabiting families has more than doubled. You would think that the law would be protecting these families in the same way as any married couple. That is not the...

Parenting plan for separating couples

Separation is difficult, children add another dimension. It is rare to have enough time to deal with your own feelings when you have children to care for and consider. This responsibility can be helpful by giving you the courage to make decisions, or a hindrance to...