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What is Probate?

“Probate” is the process of proving that the Will of the deceased is legitimate, and a “Grant” is the Court’s seal of approval.  It acts like the “deeds” to the deceased’s estate, without it, the Executor may have trouble proving that they “own” it. Executors have...

What does an Executor do?

An Executor, a person named by the deceased in their Will as “Executor”, is responsible for managing the financial affairs of a deceased, finding out what it is, and carrying out he terms of the Will so far as the Law will allow. The State will intervene to make sure...

Inheritance Tax

A very short point; Inheritance Tax, when it is due, is generally spread across the assets in proportion, so that if a house is two-thirds of the estate, then it will bear two-thirds of the tax.  The beneficiaries might decide to pay all the tax from the “cash”...

With respect and without delay

It is a sad fact of arguments over estates that a subject of dispute may be the remains of the deceased. By long-established common law principle a body cannot be property – no one can have rights of ownership over it. So if there is disagreement over the method...