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Vaccination – when parents disagree

It cannot be denied that the COVID 19 pandemic has affected everyone. Some more than others. Lives and livelihoods have been impacted, mental and physical health, for some people, have nosedived, and life is no longer what it used to be. Luckily, there is light at the...

Get permission to take a child abroad

A few years back I took my son on a day trip to France.  I have a different surname to him and his father and I separated some years back.  When we arrived at the French port for the journey home we were stopped by Border Force.  They asked my son if I was his mother...

Grandparents’ Right of Access

Many grandparents are unsure of what right of access they have to their grandchildren. Unfortunately, grandparents do not have automatic right of access to their grandchildren the same way a parent has access to their children. However, the court recognises the...

Child Arrangements Over The Christmas Period

Christmas is a fantastic time for children. Parents need to pay attention that the fun and awe of Christmas is not ruined for their children and that arguments do not inadvertently cause damage to the kids. The festive season can be a very stressful time for parties...